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205 lines
F O N T S P E C (version 3.2)
PROGRAM: FONTSPEC, a TrueType font viewer and type specimen printer.
As a viewer, you can display your TrueType fonts in sizes
from 8 to 98 points, using different effects and in various
justification modes. In print mode you can produce quality
formatted font specimen sheets in single or two column, or
full sheets. You can select just about everything you can
think of to customize your font specimens just the way you
want them.
REQUIREMENTS: WINDOWS 3.1 (or higher), printer.
Lots of memory for both computer and printer (natch!)
MARKETING: SHAREWARE (not freeware). Please feel free to distribute this
program to everyone as long as no monies are collected, except
for a small disk distribution fee if necessary.
FontSpec: Copyright (c) 1993 UniTech Corporation
2697 McKelvey Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
314 770-2770
SET-UP: You should have the following 7 files:
README .TXT ................ This file
CHANGES .TXT ................ Product's development notes
FONTSPEC.EXE ................ Main program, copy it to a
subdirectory of your choice
FONTSPEC.DLL ................ Copy to Windows subdirectory
SS3D2 .VBX ................ Copy to Windows subdirectory
THREED .VBX ................ Copy to Windows subdirectory
VBRUN300.DLL ................ Copy to Windows subdirectory
Note: Your system should have the two fonts Arial and
Arial Bold installed. Both fonts are supplied with
Windows. FontSpec makes use of both these fonts.
To run FontSpec just give its' full pathname to your program
launcher, to your program manager, or just double-click it
from the file manager.
Run FontSpec. You should know right off that FontSpec does nothing to your
system so don't be afraid to experiment -- NO system changes are ever made.
You should be looking at the Viewer form. Here you can select any typeface
from the drop-down list box (click on the down-arrow to see the list).
Select any font by clicking on it. You should immediately see a sample of the
font in the sample text window. Now click the check boxes in the Effects
frame to view your font in Italics, or bold, or underline, or all of these.
The three pushbuttons in the Effects frame justify the sample text either
flush left, centered, or flush right.
There are five command buttons in the lower left corner of the Viewer form:
Sample Text........... Displays the words "Sample Type"
Character Set......... Displays the font's alphabet, numerals, etc.
Paragraph............. Displays a paragraph of text
User Defined #1 & #2.. Both of these can be set up to display your
own customized text. More about that later.
The Font Size frame allows you to select any point size from 8 to 98 points.
Okay then, select a font (maybe Arial?), select center justify, select
12 point size, click on the Paragraph button bar. If necessary, you can
scroll the text up or down using the scrollbar just to the right of the
sample text window. You can view any of your installed fonts this way.
At the form's top right, you'll notice 5 buttons:
Printer................... Switches to the Printer form
Metrics................... Displays information about the current font
Set-Up.................... Customize FontSpec
Question (About) Button... Displays a begging screen
Exit...................... Ends the program
Try the Question button first. Now you know why I call this a begging screen.
If, after trying FontSpec, you find it useful then feel free to help support
its' continued evolution by sending in your $25 bucks. Please don't think
the "other guy" will send it in -- he (or she) probably won't, so I'm
counting ON YOU! Okay, enough about this, but please keep it in mind.
Click on the Metrics button. If you were displaying Arial you should see
all of the variations available, the size of the base font, type of font,
family name, etc.
Click on the Set-Up button. The Page Header and Page Footer options are
used on the printed type specimen sheets. If you'd like, go ahead and enter
whatever you want in these two options, or you can leave them alone.
The two User Defined Type Specimen frames correspond to the two User Defined
buttonbars. You can enter your own text or click on the Default Value
buttons to have FontSpec enter text for you, or you can leave them blank.
It's up to you. To save your changes, click on the OK button. To get out of
the Set-Up without saving your changes, press the ESC key.
If you've entered text into the User Defined boxes then you might want to
try them out now.
IMPORTANT: Whatever text is selected with the buttonbars (what you see in
the sample text window) will be used as the type specimen for
your printed sheets. So before switching to the Printer form
be sure you've selected the sample text you want.
You can exit FontSpec by clicking on the Exit button at the top right of
the form.
Click on the Printer button. The Printer form displays two list boxes. The
list box on the left shows all available typefaces. You can either click
on the fonts you want to print or you can click on the Select All Fonts
buttonbar. If you click on individual fonts you will see their name added
to the Fonts-To-Print box, and a sample of the font will be displayed in
the Quick View frame. If you click on the Select All Fonts buttonbar then
all the fonts will be added to the Fonts-To-Print box.
You can remove individual fonts from the Fonts-To-Print box by clicking on the
font name, or you can remove all the fonts by clicking on the Clear All Fonts
Note that as soon as even one font is selected a jumbo PRINT button appears.
You can print anytime this button is visible (but don't do it yet).
Just below the font list boxes are three option frames:
Sheet Style: Single Column prints selected font samples in one line.
Two Column (default) prints a page of 2-column samples.
Full Sheet prints character sets, paragraphs and samples.
Print Styles: This frame will disappear if you select the Full Sheet
Style since the Full Sheet Style prints everything.
Select the various styles you want to print. If your
system does not have the selected styles available then
FontSpec will create the italic style for you but it
will ignore the bold and bold-italic styles if you do not
really have them because their spacing would not be the
Options: You can choose to add the time on each printed page. The
date is added automatically. And you can choose to print
your type samples in all caps if you wish (some fonts
don't have lowercase letters).
Next, select the sample size from the Points frame. If you've selected the
Full Sheet Style then the Points frame will not be available since the
Full Sheet Style prints various point sizes. I've found that 18 point type
works best (this is the default).
First, make sure your printer is on and ready (of course). More important,
you should know that it takes quite a while to print specimen sheets.
Actually, FontSpec is quite fast but it waits alot for windows to do it's
thing. In any event you may want to print just a few fonts at first to
get a feel for what it takes before clicking the Select All Fonts
buttonbar (which I'm sure you'll do soon enough).
Next, you should know that laser printers require alot of memory to produce
the type of quality product that FontSpec generates. As an example, you
should be able to print hundreds of fonts using the single or two-column
style sheets and a laser printer with 1-meg of memory, but selecting the
full sheet style requires at least 3-megs to print multiple sheets (you
should be able to print 1 or 2 sheets with 1-meg).
Finally, when you press the Print button you will see progress activity just
to the left of the button showing the current font being printed, what page
number is printing and elapsed print time. Also, the jumbo Print button is
replaced with a jumbo Stop button. You can press this at any time to abort
your print job. If you press the Stop button, be patient... FontSpec stops
printing immediately but windows may take awhile to catch up to what's
going on. During the print operation, the only button you will be able to
click is the Stop button, everything else will be disabled. There really
is no reason to click on the Stop button unless something goes wrong...
just let the program print your pages and it will stop and return control
to you when everything is printed.
When you are not printing, you can click the Exit button to end the program
or click on the OK button to switch back to FontSpec's Viewer form.
I wrote this program because I wanted to review my font collection in
different ways. After trying the other available programs I felt a more
comprehensive program such as FontSpec might be welcomed. Of course,
one man's treasure is another man's junk (or is that the other way around?).
Anyway, if you think FontSpec should be improved in some way please don't
hesitate to give me a call. I'd like to hear from you and welcome your
suggestions. You can reach me (Nick) by calling UniTech Corporation at
314-770-2770. By the way, we do custom programming also...... pass the word!